Sunday, November 16, 2008


Reality is big. Television has many reality shows, people surviving huge challenges on Survivor, The Biggest Loser, talent shows, dancing, singing, etc. These all include winners and losers. They work so hard to get cut from the shows at the mercy of judges and the influence of America.

I am so glad that reality is not that way. Reality is all around us. Challenges are huge and sometimes it seems unbearable.

My sweet dear friend, who desparately desires a child and keeps her faith and knows that she belongs to a Big God and wants to serve Him.
Another sweet friend who faces divorce with a young child and is doing what she can do to take care of this young son.
Another young couple with young children and desire to serve God in a great and mighty way in the ministy and doors are not opening.
Others, who face financial burdens.
Many dear saints who have lost their loved one.
Young families facing a life time of a child with special needs.
Many of us are facing challenging time with aging parents.
I call these times "faith building experiences". This is reality. An opportunity for us to pray and help our fellow Christian friends.

We win when we desire to to follow God and put Him first.
We can sit on reality or it can direct us closer to God.
Reality tells alot about us, for we are being watched.
Reality can bring about pain, but it can bring great glory to God.
Reality can be used to build great character.

In reality, I look back on the journey I have had with my special needs child. She will be 24 in January. God was preparing me to do the work that I do now. The experiences have given me many wonderful friendships that I would not have had. God used many people to pray for our family. She has been an incredible blessing to our family. When spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally sapped God was and is there.

In reality, God is on His throne and there are no losers.

God, I pray for those hurting. You know every need and desires of their hearts. I know that You are building character and preparing them for great things to come. Help us to be patient and praise You in all things. Help me to be sensitive to the needs of others. AMEN

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